Supporting children through mental health challenges.

Supporting children through mental health challenges.

Loose Women investigation has found that 55% of parents fear that the global Coronavirus pandemic will have a long-term effect on their children’s mental health. The Covid Kids: The State of Our Children’s Wellbeing survey also found that 46% of parents agree that their child’s mental health has suffered for the first time ever as a result of the pandemic.

As a national franchise, Razzamataz Sheffield works with thousands of children from the ages of two to 18 across the UK. Throughout the various lockdowns, the schools have continued to reach out to children and parents through small, live classes, online social activities and special workshops with coaches to support wellbeing and mental health.


Benefits of performing arts
  • Life skills
  • Improved communication
  • Opportunity for self-expression
  • Confidence
“Reading aloud, presenting ideas in front of the class and expressing opinions are all things that have taken a back seat while schools have been closed. We know that performing arts can give young people the confidence to articulate their ideas and we can’t wait to start working with them to help in these areas.” says Helen Bell, Principal of Razzamataz Sheffield.  


Join our school

Razzamataz Sheffield is gearing up for their face to face reopening on 17th April. There is still opportunity to join the school, with the age groups ranging from 2-18. For new students, booking for the first free taster session is essential:

To find out more and book a free taster session, simply reply to this email with:
*Your child’s name and DOB
*Your name and contact number

Alternatively you can contact contact the Razz Team on 07979 189177/0114 3030455, email: or visit:

You can also find them on social media:
Facebook –
Instagram – @razzsheffield

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