Shrektastic week for Sheffield children

On Friday, 45 Sheffield west end wannabes performed extracts from the hit musical and film Shrek along with street dance routines and pop singing to lots of summer favourites. Ages 4-16 attended Razzamataz Theatre Schools Sheffield’s Summer Stage Academy last weekend culminating in a performance for family and friends at Meadowhead School.

The Stage Academy was an intense week of not just high quality Performing Arts tuition from industry experts but also audition technique, theatre craft, set design, prop making and performance opportunities.

Razzamataz gained national recognition after an appearance on Dragons’ Den in 2007 and won an investment from Duncan Bannatyne. Principal of Razzamataz Sheffield explains why their Stage Academies have been added to their curriculum and designed in such a specific way. “It’s important to us at Razzamataz that we provide the best Performing Arts tuition mixed with new experiences and valuable opportunities.” said Helen. “Our academies are designed to encourage students to try new things, make new friends and have lots of fun but still provide a safe resource for parents through the summer holidays.”

One happy parent included Angela Wood, “We just wanted to say it was a great performance on Friday! We were really impressed with how it has made Isabella less shy.  She has really enjoyed every day there,” said Angela, Mum of Isabella who is now joining the school in September. “Isabella can’t wait for September to come!”

Further opportunities at Razzamataz include local and West End performances, Arts Award, Children’s University and the Razzamataz Future Fund. Razzamataz are holding a free session open to ages 2-18 on 12th September, limited spaces available, please call Helen to book on 07979189177.

For more information about Razzamataz Sheffield call 07979189177, email or visit

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